Sunday, April 28, 2013


Hey there to anyone and everyone who managed to stumble upon this blog. I've started it as sort of an online diary more than anything. I'm at a place in my life where I feel like I have a lot of important decisions to make and a lot of complex thoughts and emotions that go along with them. The mid-twenties can be a time of reflection, development, and transition for a lot of people, so I thought that by putting my thoughts and musings out into the world, I may find kindred spirits to make me feel less crazy (or may find dissenting opinions that really make me think in a new way, which is always welcome too).

I would like to preface the thoughts and opinions to come on this blog with a couple points. First and foremost, this is my blog where I write how I'm feeling or what I'm thinking about. I will never post something that I know to be blatantly untrue as fact, but I'm not writing a term paper here. I'm not going to scour the internet and textbooks and newspapers to find direct sources and citations for any and every opinion I mention. Sometimes general observation and life experiences are a good enough source. Feel free to disagree and use whatever sources you have in doing so. That is more than welcome. If I knew everything already, this blog would be pretty pointless. And short.

I hope to be able to help some people in the world see that they are not alone, and hope to see that for myself, too. So feel free to read around, ask questions, etc.

TL:DR- This is my blog and I will write whatever I want.

P.S. for those not in the know, TL:DR is an internet term meaning Too Long: Didn't Read and indicates a summary is coming. Since I tend to ramble, I figured this was appropriate as a name. Feel free to skip to the end of any post for its TL:DR to see if it's even worth reading. 

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